
By Khadhafi

Let me tell y'all a story about life or death.
About when god threw me a test
to see if I was strong enough to persevere,
or if I would break like the rest.
But I stood tall, 
when my name got called.
Up to that light, I said no,
No, I will not go.
So back to the story,
Let's rewind back about three years ago
You see, I was in the VA
chilling on my summer Vacay.
I was at my grandma's house, aka
my second home.
Just remember the fact that I wasn't living alone.
We had my grandparents, my mom, my brother, my two uncles, and my cousin living in that home. 
Eight people living in one big home.
You see,  tensions rise, some people lose their tones.
But, I guess I can take the blame
for causing all of this pain.
As the story goes on, though, you'll see 
that alcohol made demons,
and they were sent straight after me.

My uncle came stumbling home one night 
tripping over his own feet.
I knew beer and liquor were the cause.
The rotten smell of malt and bourbon radiated like spoiled meat. 
I was in my mom's room chilling playing Xbox.
My uncle told me to turn it off and go to sleep instead.
But, it was my summer vacation,
and I didn't give a dam what he said.
I told him, "No, I will not.
I don't have to listen to you. You're not my pops."
This is when time slowed, 
and soon came to a screeching stop. 

He grabbed for my neck,
and his hands clasped tight,
Like wringing out water from a wet t-shirt with all his might.
A 40-year-old man
poisoned by aging sugars and grains. 
With a devilish plan,
to kill me first, then bury me six feet under,
where the soil meets the sand. 
I screamed and cried,
but it was as if the sound wouldn't come out.
Maybe it was fear that caused my vocal cords to stall.
But as the sound ceased, the darkness crept in,
just as my eyes began to fall. 
I blacked out.

But, in contrast,
my life began to flash.
Past memories of water balloon fights, shoveling snow and crashing kites,
hot chocolate nights and iced cream delights. 
In an instant,
right before my eyes, I saw all my family ties.
Each and every single football game, 
every bike ride, every amusement park, and every birthday cake.
These glimpses left faster than they came.
What replaced them, first was the sound. Crying, and yelling.
Then came my vision, my mom sobbing along with my brother and my cousin.
Last, my eyes opened, and I was finally awake.

My uncle was gone, to where we had no clue.
I had those scenes playing in my head on repeat,
like a movie, except it was all true.
My mom apologized,
then succumbed to softer cries.
I had no tears left to cry.
For those tears that I cried, lied,
on the hands of my uncle,
who made them pour quietly out of my eyes.
And to my demise,
this was the first, but not the last time,
these tears would fly out of my eyes. 

Follow me on Instagram @mshairi.nangu


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